Cademartori stands as one of Italy's foremost dairy product companies, renowned for its local cheese production, including Taleggio Dop, Quartirolo, and a range of others. The 1980s marked a pivotal moment for Cademartori as its commercials debuted on television, featuring the memorable slogan "Cademartori però!" ("Cademartori, in contrast!"), which revolutionized the company's approach to communication. Since then, this slogan has served as a manifesto for Cademartori's core values of tradition, flavour, and authenticity. Embracing the evolving landscape of social media, Cademartori embarked on a new communicative journey through its Facebook fan page. Me and my team chose to engage with brand' fans using an ironic and lighthearted tone, aiming to underscore the brand's authenticity and relevance in a modern context. This marked my initial venture into the realm of digital content graphic design.
We’ve also designed mini-games and interactive contents to keep in touch with our community.

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